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Cllr Bella Sankey

Bella was born and raised in Brighton & Hove and has lived here most of her life. She is a mum to two small toddlers and has a mixed heritage background. She is a trained lawyer and human rights campaigner and has worked for several NGOs and charities, most recently as director of a national charity. Bella was elected as a Labour Councillor for Wish Ward in a landslide by-election result in December 2022.

“I love this City and it runs through me like a stick of rock. But a mixture of national Tory neglect and local Green incompetence means we’re stagnating. For 20 years there’s been no-overall political control of our Council and looking around the City, it shows. As well as failures in basic service delivery – from weeds, to rubbish collections, to recycling – our City’s bigger challenges on housing, wellbeing & education are not being addressed. I want Brighton and Hove to be a beacon City for the rest of the UK and under a Labour majority administration I believe we can rebuild.”

Cllr Bella Sankey

Leader of the Labour Group
Leader of Brighton & Hove City Council
Cabinet Chair

Ward: Wish


Picture of Brighton Town Hall

Brighton & Hove’s Labour Council proposes move to Cabinet system

Brighton & Hove’s Labour Council is proposing to move to a new system of democratic governance. The proposals would see the council move from a Committee system to a Cabinet system. 

Leader column: Brighton & Hove Labour is committed to addressing violence against women and girls

**Trigger warning:  violence against women and girls** This Saturday, 25th November marks the annual UN International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women. This year’s theme is ‘Invest to Prevent’. It calls on government’s worldwide to invest in prevention to eradicate violence against women and girls. This awareness day shouldn’t exist, but the reality is […]


New machinery to help with weeding

Councillor Tim Rowkins, Chair of the City Environment, South Downs and The Sea Committee, said: “We know that dealing with weeds on our pavements is a top priority for residents and so we are looking at several additional tools to accelerate our weeding and ensure our pavements are accessible for our residents. “I have been […]

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Promoted by David Wicken on behalf of Brighton & Hove Labour, 99 Church Rd, Hove,
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