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Cllr Joy Robinson

Joy Robinson is a retired Procurement Professional who worked in advertising and publishing, finishing her career as a Procurement and Estates Manager of a Multi Academy Trust of 21 schools. She has lived in Second Avenue for 19 years, she set-up The Avenues Residents Association and is a Trustee at Cornerstone Community Centre as well as a School Governor at St Andrews. She is a Cabinet Advisor and member of Planning Committee. As a beach hut user she is passionate about Hove Seafront. Joy enjoys meeting people and is honoured to serve all residents of Central Hove from Second Avenue to Clarendon Road.

Cllr Joy Robinson

Group Treasurer
Cabinet Advisor Contract Manager and Procurement
Contract Management and Procurement

Ward: Central Hove



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Promoted by David Wicken on behalf of Brighton & Hove Labour, 99 Church Rd, Hove,
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