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Cllr Lucy Helliwell

A resident of Portslade, Lucy Helliwell has deep roots in the city. Having raised her own children here, she understands the community’s needs and aspirations. As a teacher and Labour Councillor for North Portslade, Lucy brings a wealth of experience to her work.

Lucy serves as Co-Chair of the Children, Families and Schools Committee, where her combined expertise as a mother and teacher guides her decision-making. She also dedicates her time as a governor at a local school, demonstrating her unwavering support for education. When not serving hr community, Lucy enjoys spending quality time with her family, indulging in her love for reading and tending to her garden and vegetable plot. Lucy’s deep connection to Portslade fuels her desire to listen to the voices of her neighbours and ensure that their concerns are heard and addressed.

Ward: North Portslade



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