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Cllr Mohammed Asaduzzaman

Mohammed's appointment as Deputy Mayor of Brighton & Hove at the annual council meeting was a historic moment for the city. He will become the first Muslim councillor to hold the office of Mayor in 2024.

He was brought up in Bangladesh, where he worked for the State Minister for Irrigation and Water Development until Mohammed came to the UK in 1995. He has been living in Brighton and Hove for 28 years.

Long before Mohammed became a councillor, he was involved in many charitable and cultural organisations in the city and is well connected in the community.

I am delighted and proud to have been asked to become Deputy Mayor of our wonderful city. I feel this recognises my passion for promoting tolerance, diversity and inclusion in Brighton & Hove.

As Deputy Mayor and later Mayor, I will continue to be involved in and organise multicultural activities to which everyone is welcome. I was a founder member of the Brighton & Hove Multicultural Group, which promotes diversity, equality, inclusion and social cohesion through events and hospitality.

My contribution to the community has been recognised with many awards including a Home Office Respect Award, a letter of thanks from 10 Downing Street and a visit to Buckingham Palace at the request of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for a garden party in 2015.

It is an honour to have been chosen to represent this inclusive and tolerant city.

Ward: Hollingdean & Fiveways



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Promoted by David Wicken on behalf of Brighton & Hove Labour, 99 Church Rd, Hove,
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