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Category: Ward Updates



Westbourne & Poets’ Corner – June Update

It’s been a year since we were elected and last month, we agreed the biggest shake-up of Brighton & Hove City Council in over 20 years. First of all, it is the honour of my life to serve the residents of Westbourne & Poets’ Corner alongside my ward colleague. Julie and I are very committed […]
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Woodingdean Community Newsletter – Winter Councillors Update

Greetings from your Woodingdean Councillors! There is still so much to learn but we are settling into our roles and working to make a difference in Woodingdean. So, what have we been up to? We hope it hasn’t escaped your notice that we have been working on improving the local environment, one street at a […]
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Hangleton & Knoll: November Update

On Thursday I was already rather tired after a very busy day but knew that I had to leave home that evening at 11pm to go and pick up me fellow Cllr Paul Nann. It was the evening of the annual homeless street count. I have done it before so thought I knew what to expect. We […]
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