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Home » Becoming a diverse council
Stage: Passed
Affected area: City-wide

Becoming a diverse council

Councillor Leslie Pumm, Chair of the Equalities, Community Safety & Human Rights Committee, said: “By signing the Diverse Council Declaration, we pledge to review and build upon our existing efforts to create a fair city with a leadership that reflects its diversity.

“Becoming a diverse council doesn’t just mean representing our communities to the best of our ability, we must actively remove the cultural, leadership and policy barriers to representation.

“The council elected in May 2023 is the most diverse council in Brighton & Hove’s most diverse and we must protect this achievement at all costs.

“Only by ensuring everyone has the access to decision-making we can reach our full potential as a council and invigorate the efficiency and trust in local democracy.

“I am pleased our council is already undertaking steps to improve its diversity such as delivering events to educate and encourage people from under-represented groups to stand for office and undertaking equality surveys.”

Councillors involved

Cllr Leslie Pumm

Cabinet Member, Communities, Equalities and Human Rights
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