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Cllr Leslie Pumm

Leslie worked as a media designer and video editor and ran an LGBTQ+ marketing agency in Berlin before moving to the UK. He fell in love with the vibrancy and culture of the city and made Brighton & Hove his home. Born to an American father who served as a soldier in West Berlin and England, and a German mother, Leslie has always had a strong interest in politics. It’s not only the history of his ancestors but also the current injustice that led him to join the Labour Party.

“Brighton & Hove is a shockingly beautiful place, but also shockingly governed and isn’t using its full potential as the capital of diversity and the UK’s Silicon Valley. However, before we can focus on ambitious goals, the city must first get the basics right: reliable rubbish collection, clean streets and beaches, and affordable bus service. As a black gay man, I can’t wait to champion the LGBTQ+ and BAME communities on the Council and ensure they remain an important part of the city’s identity.”

Ward: Westbourne & Poets' Corner


Westbourne & Poets’ Corner – June Update

It’s been a year since we were elected and last month, we agreed the biggest shake-up of Brighton & Hove City Council in over 20 years. First of all, it is the honour of my life to serve the residents of Westbourne & Poets’ Corner alongside my ward colleague. Julie and I are very committed […]


Becoming a diverse council

Councillor Leslie Pumm, Chair of the Equalities, Community Safety & Human Rights Committee, said: “By signing the Diverse Council Declaration, we pledge to review and build upon our existing efforts to create a fair city with a leadership that reflects its diversity. “Becoming a diverse council doesn’t just mean representing our communities to the best […]

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